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Work-related musculoskeletal disorders on the decline in Ontario | Institute for Work and Health; OPC’s take on these findings

Home / Ergnomic Design / Work-related musculoskeletal disorders on the decline in Ontario | Institute for Work and Health; OPC’s take on these findings

Work-related Musculoskeletal disorders on the decline in Ontario | Institute for Work & Health.


More proof as to how Ergonomic Programs and improved treatment by Physiotherapists can impact the %age of employees with MSI’s.  Learn more about how Ergonomics impacts MSI’s in the workplace at optimalperformanceblog.com

Formal Ergonomic Programs have been shown with this and other research to impact injuries to the Musculoskeletal System as well as cognitive and mental health.

Ergonomics and human factors design can also provide an important way to ensure that new technology matches how the human brain processes information and how the workplace can be designed to enhance human productivity.

Think of ergonomics as being the same as Preventive Maintenance used in the context of manufacturing – put prevention steps into place regularly and the return on this investment will contribute to bottom line profits for your company.

Contact Optimal Performance to learn how we can work with you to develop a comprehensive and effective ergonomic program.


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