CPA/ACP (PhysioCan) | Twitter. Best thing I have read in ages – Treat the Man (Woman) NOT the Scan. People with and without pain have nearly identical findings on Knee MRI’s [...]
CPA/ACP (PhysioCan) | Twitter. Best thing I have read in ages – Treat the Man (Woman) NOT the Scan. People with and without pain have nearly identical findings on Knee MRI’s [...]
This Is The Ideal Office, According To Science And Design (INFOGRAPHIC). Just as designers, facility managers, building owners push for very open offices and typical 5 x 6 workspaces, [...] Need to know more about how to lower the increasing healthcare, insurance and WSIB costs associated with lost time injury and illness? There are [...]
Universal Washrooms: AODA Related Question from our Client re Universal Washrooms; Worth Sharing Thank you for asking about your company’s requirement to provide a Universal Washroom [...]
Nilofer Merchant: Got a meeting? Take a walk | Talk Video | For over 24 years all of the Consultants at OPC have been writing in their reports “we recommend employee [...]
Many an OH&S Manager or Committee make the same assumptions when attempting a Root Cause Analysis. Too often the human factor is deemed to be the cause for an accident, near miss or MSI [...]
The Science Behind the World’s Greatest Athletes Sports writer David Epstein July 2014 Sample many sports in childhood—don’t specialize too early. As every parent knows, elite [...]
Résultats Google Recherche d’images correspondant à At OPC we find a far less expensive way to get [...]
Province of Manitoba | Family Services and Labour. First Ontario….and now Manitoba. Which Province will be next? The Accessibility for Manitobans Act became law on December 5, 2013. The [...]