Geek on Wheels – winter weather whining wordsmithing
Geek on Wheels – winter weather whining wordsmithing.
Response from Jane Sleeth Sr Ergonomic & Inclusive Design expert OPC regarding What is Disability?
This response stems from an excellent discussion taking place in the Accessibility Group with Linked In. I thought this was worth sharing as the general public through no fault of their own [...]
Response from Jane Sleeth Sr Ergonomic & Inclusive Design expert OPC regarding What is Disability?
This response stems from an excellent discussion taking place in the Accessibility Group with Linked In. I thought this was worth sharing as the general public through no fault of their own [...]
Senior Executives need to become more aware of issues related to disability in workplace and in care of disabled family members says OPC
OPC’s interest in this case and one for Sr Executives to be aware of is employees are expected to take care of disabled relatives more and more as the Health Care System in each province [...]
Herman Miller Chair and Hi Tech Prosthetic Leg
This photo is presented in the Herman Miller Blog. Had to share the beauty of the photograph and the ease in which we can all become more comfortable in seeing people with disabilities.
Did you know the Ontario Human Rights Commission has a document Dining Out Accessibly?
The OHRC’s Restaurant Accessibility Initiative from the OHRC. Optimal Performance Consultant’s Ergonomic/Accessible design experts can help make this document come alive for your [...]
Design is Disabling not people; From a Blog called Ageing in Place Dec 9th
What if DESIGN is DISABLED, not PEOPLE? December 9, 2012 admin Aging in Place, Community Design for Aging, Empowering the Mature Market Psychology of the Built Environment, Universal Design, [...]
The AODA and ADA in the impact on accessible documents for visually disabled customers
For those that live in Canada, the topic of Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) has started to become talked about finally by private industry. The legislation which became [...]
On June 3, 2011, the Ontario government released the final Integrated Accessibility Standards regulation (the “Final Regulation”) under the Accessibility for Ontarians with [...]