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Photo by msmirandal • Instagram

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msmirandal’s photo on Instagram (Yes both screens are on and displaying something, and yes the ergonomics are poo in the #Toyota #Sienna.

Jane Sleeth‘s insight:

Just because it is a new car does not meet ergnomic expertise was used in the product design phase for a vehicle. We can say this with experience with Chrysler who tended to use ergonomic sciences after the design occurred. The best place to see where industrial design thrives is in Europe where designers and engineers actively engage ergonomic experts at all phases of the design process. ….and companies in NA wonder why firms such as OPC thrive? Because we end up being in the business of cleaning up the "mess" left behind from poor design which does not consider the human factor who will use the car, device, tool etc.  JESleeth Principal Ergonomic Consultant OPC

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