R your point is excellent and ties in well with some recent research which was reviewed & discussed on CBC radio this weekend past about “getting back” at people.
When one seeks to get back at people who do not understand disability the outcome for the person seeking revenge is a negative outcome internally. Further, the cognitive research also reveals that the person with whom we take revenge against tends to strike back and with more force and onwards it spirals.
So if I may make a suggestion in order to ensure the AODA in Ontario succeeds; we all need to realize the ‘layperson” has little or no experience with people with significant disabilities; this is not the fault of the layperson. The same “layperson” is intersted in learning from the disabled community but feels intimidated and afraid to do so.
Let’s all take a step back and be prepared to patiently guide the layperson thru all of the language which is unique within the disabled community. Then let us ask people new to this in Ontario to join hands towards a Province which creates fewer “handicaps” for the disabled.
It will all work out but not thru anger or reprisals. JE Sleeth OPC Inc Ergonomic and Universal Design since 1991