With the OHS reform set to take place in Ontario, at OPC we want to ensure our clients know there will be;
New OHS training requirements for both employees and supervisors with a section on Ergonomics and the prevention of MSI’s (the most expensive type of injury in the workplace);
there will be mandatory training and certification for members of JHSCs and a section of this training includes MSI causation and prevention in the workplace
New “whistleblower” protections including protection if employees report any safety infraction including not having an ergonomic program in place
Tougher enforcement with more inspectors having training in ergonomics and laying penalties and Orders for non-compliance
New voluntary OHS compliance programs for employers
New programs for small business ….
If you are an OHS professional, HR Manager or in charge of Facilities and Operations in your organization, it is absolutely critical to understand the extent and full impact of this major new OHS overhaul on your OH&S programs and your Ergonomic Programs.
www.optimalperformance.ca or info@optimalperformance.ca is your contact information as we can help with our E Learning Ergonomic Tools; On site Ergonomic Training; Train the Trainer Ergonomics Courses; and Lunch and Learn sessions. We are here to help. 416 860-0002 and ask to speak to Jamila, Mark, Carrie or Jane.