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Jane Sleeth of Optimal Performance Responds to Linked In IFMA re Wellness & FM's

Home / Facility Management / Jane Sleeth of Optimal Performance Responds to Linked In IFMA re Wellness & FM's

In response to a recent IFMA reading recommendation on Linked In

….this is a great thought starter on a topic which has long been ignored in some cases or at least not understood well in other cases with Facility Managers in N America.

Just as machinery or a building requires regular preventive maintenance (RPM) so do employees who represent the most expensive “line item” if you will, in terms of business costs.

A really important read for all IFMA, Build Owners and Managers is the Steelcase 360* Magazine Version “WellBeing; A Bottom Line Issue” ( you can get this on line at Steelcase.com).

At OPC Inc we prefer this concept of WELLBEING versus Wellness. This is more all encompassing than typical wellness or health programs and includes Facilities which create healthy and productive environments (airflow, fresh air intake, light levels & type of lighting, base building accessibility, ergonomic designs of windows, workstations & configurations, shower facilities and ACTIVE by DESIGN elements etc.) as well as the other formal programs such as Ergonomic Design, Accessible Design/Universal, RPM, Human Resources programs and processes.

The more we all start talking about WellBeing in the context of the Built Environment & the Management of Facilities the more active, healthy and measureably productive the workforce will be.

JESleeth Sr Human Centred Design/Ergonomic Consultant Optimal Performance Consultants Inc

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