Senior Executives need to become more aware of issues related to disability in workplace and in care of disabled family members says OPC
OPC’s interest in this case and one for Sr Executives to be aware of is employees are expected to take care of disabled relatives more and more as the Health Care System in each province [...]
Medicare Basics – Summary of the Nov 2012 Aging in Place Business Round Table: Harrisonburg Rockingham Va!
In Ontario with the release of the AODA and its impact on ageing workers and consumers you will start to hear more about “Ageing in Place”. The idea is that we make our buildings [...]
Urgent from Optimal Performance; The AODA Build Code Review until March 2013 with Launch January 2014!
Ontario CodeNews from Optimal Performance Consultants for January 7 2013! Public Consultation on Building Code Accessibility Requirements Until March 1 2013 to Launch January 2014. Public [...]
Design is Disabling not people; From a Blog called Ageing in Place Dec 9th
What if DESIGN is DISABLED, not PEOPLE? December 9, 2012 admin Aging in Place, Community Design for Aging, Empowering the Mature Market Psychology of the Built Environment, Universal Design, [...]
On June 3, 2011, the Ontario government released the final Integrated Accessibility Standards regulation (the “Final Regulation”) under the Accessibility for Ontarians with [...]
How the use of Politically correct language in Ontario is preventing employers and; employees from dialogueing about the AODA
“Is it ok if I use the word disabled or is the word handicapped better? I have a friend who prefers to use the word handicapped to describe himself”? “I would like to talk to an [...]
BMO Study: Canadians Believe People with Disabilities Are Victims of Hiring Bias
BMO Study: Canadians Believe People with Disabilities Are Victims of Hiring Bias Bank of Montreal BMO 10/11/2012 6:00:05 AM A BMO study, released today, suggests there is still too much stigma [...]
OPC finds the AODA and ADA are in large measure about an ageing population & Workforce & the Need to Accommodate
This survey paid for by CIBC and conducted by Leger Marketing serves as an important reminder as to why employers need to get with the program regarding the AODA & the ADA in the US to make [...]