Glad to hear Glaxo finally undertook recommendations our firm made to them a number of years ago. We have provided clients with evidence as to why standing is critical both physically, medically [...]
This response stems from an excellent discussion taking place in the Accessibility Group with Linked In. I thought this was worth sharing as the general public through no fault of their own [...]
This response stems from an excellent discussion taking place in the Accessibility Group with Linked In. I thought this was worth sharing as the general public through no fault of their own [...]
We all know that aerobic and strengthening exercise is one of the keys to good health. Researchers in the last 2-3 years who specialize in exercise physiology and biomechanics are finding that [...]
Good design stops focussing solely on form to the exclusion of function. Time for designers to get to know an expert in the human factor in design. Proof is in this pudding. JE Sleeth Ergonomic [...]
Disability rights is only going to keep growing ….and glad to hear this. With an ageing population and greater quality of life for those with congenital disabilities coupled with the fact [...]
This photo and the slow motion photo of Lindsay Von say it all. Play hard may mean fall and get hit hard. Know the risks before you decide what sports your kids should participate in. If head [...]
Physiatrists are redundant these days as Physiotherapists are far better educated and able to make diagnosis and treatment plans. Cannot believe there are still programs out there for Physiatry [...]