Tablet use according to our web designer Dave McKinnon is growing exponentiallly in North America even if research has found a 6% decrease in productivity in the workplace with their use. Tablets [...]
The IASR Phase of the AODA has various timeline requirements & many new requirements; navigating the Minefield. Ok you now have the CSS all completed and you have reported to the ADO for [...]
Optimal Performance has been very busy marketing the AODA Act it would seem often to be on behalf of the MCSS at times. Given that hundreds of medium and even large companies still do not even [...]
Optimal Performance has been very busy marketing the AODA Act it would seem often to be on behalf of the MCSS at times. Given that hundreds of medium and even large companies still do not even [...]
Here is a conversation on Linked In for a Hospitality Group – I left some information about how the ADA and AODA and Inclusive Design is a key part of Branch Enhancement. The group did not [...]
Here is a conversation on Linked In for a Hospitality Group – I left some information about how the ADA and AODA and Inclusive Design is a key part of Branch Enhancement. The group did not [...]
A good Blog we recommend be read by OPC’s followers. Remember Universal Design is not just about buildings – it is signage, wayfinding and in this case graphic design. Thanks EDTECH [...]
This is what UNIVERSAL Design is all about; use standardized approaches to design and the risk for human error as seemingly simple as door direction will be eliminated. Sigh however as designers [...]
For designers who read this please do not think because this works for the nature of the job demands and culture at Google or FB that this will work for all client types. Unless you have a clear [...]